Sunday 24 September 2017

Times Table Rockstars

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a great day.

This week our class have been enthusiastically learning their times tables. Not in the way that most of you might remember. They have been using the interactive website Times Table Rock Stars.

The children have their own password and username and password. They get to play games to boost their bank balance (not real money, sadly) and use this to buy things for their avatars.

I have set up the times tables that I'd like them to try and answer questions for.

The great thing about this is that you can also play against other people in the world to see how good you are.

You can also play against anyone in Panthers class too.

The computer also tells you what the correct answer is and it's worth jotting this down so you get it correct the next time.

With practise, their recall speeds will increase and they will hopefully become a Rock Icon at each times table.

Have a great weekend and remember- Times Tables Rock!!!

Mr Hall

Sunday 17 September 2017

Autumn term

Welcome back to another year in Panthers Class. Over the next few weeks, our class will be using their amazing writing skills to produce some autobiographies.

They have all been working hard this week on tying to write complex and compound sentences.

In maths I showed the children an internet site that told you the amount of videos have been uploaded to you tube and how many emails had been sent and they were amazed by the size of the numbers.

By the end of this term it will be the children writing these blog posts as this is something that we are going to be covering in computing lessons.

Mr Hall