Sunday 21 May 2017

Choose-your-own adventures

Panthers class have been learning all about choose-your-own adventures this week and have been reading the brilliant: Where the Bugaboo lives by Sean Taylor.

It's a cracking book with excellent language and the illustrations make it really come alive.

This week the children have started to plan their own story using Where the Bugaboo as inspiration,
Their goal is to read them to Lions and Tigers class and take them on an adventure.

The children will be drawing their books as well and I will post the finished books on here when they are finished.

Sunday 14 May 2017

Well done

Well done to all of year 6 who tried extremely hard with their SATS tests. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at ways to improve our writing and trying to write our own adventure stories. 

Mrs Sales was very impressed with year 5 and their ideas for their own contraptions. I look forward to reading them next week. 

If you're feeling in the mood for some fun writing. Look at the picture below to inspire you.

Mr Hall

Sunday 7 May 2017

Hard work

This week both year 5 and 6 have worked extremely hard in school. I was very impressed by their setting writing earlier on in the week. I could really picture myself being there. If you feel like doing some creative writing then head to this website as it has some great ideas: 

Or use this picture to start of a fairy tale.

SATS are next week so make sure you get plenty of rest and spend your evenings relaxing. You can only try your best now.

Mr Hall