Sunday 30 April 2017

SATS are nearly here

With SATS fast approaching, year six have been hard at work revising for their tests. They have all been very diligent and have put their best in this week. Well done.

Year 5 have been learning about Stonehenge and deciding on novel ways for it to be used. They have impressed me with their focus and clear explanation texts. Well done.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Summer Term

Welcome back to the summer term. It's going to be a busy few weeks up until the SATS tests in May. New homework will be given out on Friday of this week.

The children have been learning about electricity, volts and have started to make circuits to test predictions.

Try this website to test your skills.

P.E. kits.
Please make sure that you have got the correct kit for P.E. at school as some of you are not bringing trainers for outdoor activities.